  Panjang Beneerrr..
Sungguh berbahagia hidup manusia jika dia tahu di dalam dunia ini ia tidak merasa sendirian. Aku pun merasakan demikian. Mereka adalah orang-orang yang pernah, sedang, dan akan terus membuatku kuat, beruntung bisa kuabadikan saat-saat tersebut.

"Selvi tadi ikut ka,
  yomaan, brhasil kan
  tinggal latihan +
  publikasi dan acara dah
  haha gua udah masuk
  calon2 pensis kaan ?haha"
(received Dec 29th, 2011. 07:37:36 PM)

"Ya elah ditahbiskan
  bahasanya haha, ya
  terserah lepas pengurus
  langsung pensis juga gapapa, haha"
(received Dec 29th, 2011. 07:56:17 PM)

Gua akan terus inget saat-saat kita kayak begini, Bro. Gua cuma ingin lo kembali seperti dulu lagi...

"nis.. kedepan kdewasaan dan kepekaannya makin diasah yaa jadi visitor.. lalainya gw tegur lo dpn org memang sengaja,itu konsep alkitab yg gw tau..tegur scara pribadi gak mempan,trs tegur didpn 2-3 org jg gak mempan,maka hrs dpn org. tp gw lakuin itu krn kasih gw sama lo,,gw trs topang doa bro..semoga makin baik."
(received Jan 21st, 2012. 01:24:22 AM)
"Dear brother, terus semangat yaaa. Gw yakin dimana ada keinginan utk berubah disitu ada jalan utk berubah. Tuhan pasti tolong nis. Gak ada kuasa dosa yg terlalu besar yg gak bs Yesus hancurin. Asal kita mau diubah dan berjuang utk berubah. Gw akan dukung dan doain lo terus. God bless you bro"
(received Feb 8th, 2013. 10:03:02 PM)

Gua yakin dan percaya, lo terus berdoa buat gua. Gua juga terus berjuang selalu doakan lo. Apapun kondisi kita saat ini.

"Td gw dpt ini,smoga berguna ya utk mimpin pipa.Hkm taurat baik,tp daging kita lemah (krn kita ada di bwh kuasa dosa).Manusia ga mampu utk hidup kudus,melakukan tepat spt yg hkm taurat perintahkan. Terus setia doain Roh Kudus bekerja membuka hati apipa kita. God leads"
(received Jan 25th, 2012. 11:30:48 AM)

Masih jatuh bangun nih gua, Kak. Hahah, padahal udah setahun lebih...

"I have a white blank letter. But i have no pen or anything to wrote my story on. I have no eraser or anything to erase it and keep it away. But i have God who had graceful hands to keep me in right way. I have no ABC or 123 now cause every words that i said, every moment i'm taking breath,, time is in the God's hands.
Oh Lord,, i'm little who had no strength to go anywhere. But i'm Yours and now trusting You. Let there be peace where You showed me to go,, for everything i do. Let there be joy when You took me to be server of God.
Make me the river of Your love...for our family, friendship and our relationship, and for this nation. I raise my hands,, i give my letter back to You,, and You'll be the first then the last there, in my life. And if someday You chose my days,, i will be ready then :)
~Lord, i give You my heart~

kenapa aku sedih kl inget betapa sulitnya pelayanan dan aku hanya menggampangkan pelayanan..makasih buat sharingnya kemarin jumat :)"
(received Dec 6th, 2012. 11:01:59 PM)

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  Thought of a Warrior
Change. That word always sounded in my mind.

I knew, I always knew about it. But get it dwells down in me isn't as easy as it seems. You have to struggling deeply to get it. And I realize that I have not. I have not reached my level up. Actually the game I used to play was so easy to reach up level by level, and it wasn't the same in this round arena with a billions of people.

I was really hope that someone could help me carry this. I found, but now I know it could never last. Ya, one by one went separated, they have their own battle. Now, I still remain in this game, with my Father. I always feeling alone and against all my enemies. I'm afraid to be knocked down, afraid of being really alone. I used to receive any helping hands, but now I just bow down weakly. But the hope still there. I'm sure my Father is not ever willing me tired near hopeless.

Ah, Daddy, I am safe this time. No enemies seen in my eyes. I want to come close and hug you while nobody's around here and crying out loud. I always wondering 'when will this battle ends?', You said that it's a life-time battle, and I will keep stronger if I near You. If there's a little time for me to sleep, I want to sleep for a long time and nobody brave to wake me up, Dad. You absolutely know I was tired. You sent me whisper to keep standby, don't close my eyes. I hope when it all ends, without know if I finished it alone or not, I want to finish it for my Daddy. For someone that come to help me also.

"I am Warrior, I don't be lose or even dead. I will always fight for my Daddy. Even if I am the only one that still remain. I'll happy to receive Your helping (someone/something) and keep struggling when I am alone, till I reach the highest level and please You, Dad."
You may answer this as a contemplation | mari menjawab pertanyaan berikut sebagai perenungan: How can a young man keep his way pure? | Bagaimanakah seorang muda menjaga kelakuannya bersih?

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